Sunday, June 18, 2023

Gematria Calculator: Numerology of the Hebrew Language


Gematria is a numerological system used in the Jewish tradition to assign numerical value to words and phrases in the Hebrew language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a corresponding numerical value, which can be calculated using a gematria calculator.. More about

The History of Gematria

The practice of gematria dates back to ancient times when letters were used as symbols for numbers. The first known use of gematria was by Jewish scholars who saw it as a way to uncover hidden meanings in sacred texts.

Gematria was widely used during medieval times, with many Hebrew scholars believing that every word had deep symbolic significance based on its numerical value. Many famous Kabbalists, or Jewish mystics, practiced gematria and believed that understanding the hidden meanings behind words and phrases could provide insight into divine mysteries.

How Gematria Works

In gematria, each letter corresponds to a specific numerical value. The first nine letters represent units 1-9; from there, every tenth letter (i.e., yod) represents tens (10-90), and every hundredth letter (i.e., kuf) represents hundreds (100-900).

To calculate the numerical value of a word or phrase in Hebrew using gematria, simply add up the values of each individual letter. For example:

  • Aleph = 1
  • Bet = 2
  • Gimel = 3
  • Daled = 4

If we want to find out what is the numeric equivalent for the word "ADAM" in gematria, we can add up the values: 1+4+1+40 = 46

Online Gematria Calculator

You don't have to be an expert in Hebrew to use a gematria calculator. Online tools make it easy to find the numerical value of a word or phrase simply by typing it into a gematria calculator. Some calculators even provide additional insights into the meaning of words based on their numeric value.

Example Gematria Calculation

If we want to calculate the numerical value for the Hebrew phrase "אמת ויציב", which means "Truth and Stability" in English:

  • Aleph + Mem + Tav (אמת) = 1 + 40 + 400 = 441
  • Vav + Yod + Tzadi + Bet (ויציב) = 6 +10+90+2=108

The total numerical value of this phrase is:



Gematria provides an interesting way to explore and interpret text using numbers. Although it originated throughout Jewish tradition, people all over use this system these days for many other areas like Maths, Coding, and Cryptography.

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